Friday, October 30, 2009

New Boat Launch Fees at County Parks

This may not impact many Regency Cove families, but look whats in store.

October 28, 2009

New Regional Park Fees Start Nov. 1

Residents and visitors using Hillsborough County’s Regional Parks will be charged an entry fee and boat launch fee beginning Nov. 1. This is first time these fees have been implemented in the Hillsborough County parks.

The fee structure is modeled after other local, state and national park systems. Entry fee is $2 per vehicle (up to eight people) and the boat launch fee is $5. Frequent users of the parks are urged to purchase an annual pass that is good for one year from the date of purchase and good for any Regional Park in the system. The annual entry pass is $100 for a family or $50 for individuals. The boat ramp fee annual pass cost $100. Both can be purchased at:

The fees were implemented to avoid closing the Regional Parks two days a week, which was proposed in the draft budget County Commissioners reviewed. Park users voiced their opinions during budget public hearings last August and September and wanted to keep the facilities open seven days a week. The Board of County Commissioners heard these concerns and in September approved the fee structure proposed by the Parks, Recreation and Conservation Department to keep service at proper operational levels without compromising public safety.

Regional Parks include: Alderman’s Ford; E.G. Simmons; Edward Medard; Eureka Springs; Lake Park; Lake Rogers; Lettuce Lake; Lithia Springs; Upper Tampa Bay; and all Wilderness Park sites.

More information is available at or by calling the PRC office at (813) 635-3500.

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