Sunday, March 14, 2010

Annual Meeting Wednesday

March 17, 2010 marks the day of the annual meeting of the shareholders of Regency Cove. Historically, the Election Committee meets early to begin opening the outer envelopes of the ballots, checking off the names from the shareholder list. The Election Committee will meet in Goodwin Hall at 8 am to begin their formalities. The last call for ballots will be at 10 am.
The Shareholders' meeting is scheduled to begin at that time, depending upon the check-in process for the designated voters.

If any topics are brought up, there may be a vote, if a quorum has been met (203 voters or proxies). Shareholders received the agenda for the meeting in the Second Notice mailout, which was hand-delivered or mailed in early February. Shareholders can discuss

After the shareholders meet, and the results of the election are announced, the directors meet to select the officers. The Agenda for this meeting was also in your Second Notice mailout. Typically the board selects the new officers, and the date of the next board meeting is set. In the recent past, a photograph of the new Board of Directors is taken for the web page. That's usually all that occurrs, but you never know what may come up. Stay tuned. Hope all shareholders are present on Wednesday, or have given their porxy to a friend.

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