Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Election Results

Again, a quorum of the membership was not represented at the Annual Meeting today, so no business was conducted.

Reports were given by the Treasurer Rosalie Reis, an annual audit report by Charles Godels, of Godels and Solomon LLC, a President's Report, and a Seawall Engineering report by Christina Grubbs, P.E. There were quite a few member comments regarding the validity of the Karin's Seawall Report, many of whom who expressed their opinion felt that the report was superficial. For as many opinions expressed against the report, an equal number or more demonstrated support FOR her report. All sides were heard.
Finally a report from the Election Committee: 262 VALID votes were cast. The results were reported as follows:

Susan Dunphy 190 votes.... elected to 3 year term
Dennis Kralick 206 votes.... elected to a 3 year term
Betty Ridge 155 votes.... elected to a 3 year term

Parker Kimball 132 votes.... elected to 1 year term

Sandy Ross 127
Robert Simmons 78

In an Organization Meeting that immediately followed, the Officers were then decided by the board.
President: Paul McCumber
Vice President: Betty Ridge
Secretary: Dennis Kralick
Treasurer: Susan Dunphy
Assistant Treasurer: Rosalie Reis

I offer my best wishes to the newly elected board. I thank the 127 people who offered their support for me.

Very few people in the Park share the honor of having served on the Board of Directors of Regency Cove, and I feel blessed to have been chosen to serve for three of those years.

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