Tuesday, April 20, 2010

County Commission Meeting Tomorrow

Due to the overwhelming opposition by locals, the Tampa City Council sent a letter to THEA opposed to the overhead. Now we need the County Commission to do the same. This is our opportunity to let the Commission know how we feel about the overpass project. Last month representatives from the two area neighborhood associations, local businesses, and Regency Cove spoke directly to the city council about the importance of keeping Gandy a nice, safe residential shopping area. Apparently they were listening to us.

Please plan to attend the County Commission meeting on April 21, 2009. The Gandy Elevated Project is on the agenda. The Commission meets on the 2nd floor board room at the County Center, 601 E. Kennedy Blvd. at 9:00 AM.

Due to increased security, please allow time to arrive in time to get a speakers card filed out. Parking is available in the garage directly across the street from County Center. We really need as many people as possible to show support to our opposition to this THEA project, Our goal is to have The Commissioners write to THEA just as we did with Tampa City Council. WE NEED YOUR HELP!!!!!! Hope to see a great turn-out.

If you can't attend, you can email all seven commissioners at once at the link below:
http://www.hillsboroughcounty.org/bocc/about/contactus.cfm Do it today!!

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