Saturday, April 24, 2010

Response From Commissioner Hagan

Unable to attend the County Commissioners' meeting earlier this week, I emailed the results of Regency Cove's ballot on the Gandy Overpass project to all seven commissioners. The opposition in our park to the project was 3 to 1 against. Today I received the following response from Commissioner Hagan.

Thank you very much for your email and service on the Regency Cove Board. As the Commissioner who proposed sending a letter to the Expressway Authority in opposition to this project, I really appreciate your comments. Please do not hesitate to let me know if I can ever be of any assistance. Hope you have a great weekend.
Ken Hagan
County CommissionerDistrict 2

This brings us one step closer to scrapping the overpass, which "would not be built without community support". THEA knows the neighborhoods are against it, Tampa City Council opposes it, and now the Hillsborough County Commissioners have thrown in their support.

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