Sunday, April 4, 2010

Insurance Petition

A very important petition is circulating the Park through the capable hands of Board Member Susan Dunphy. Citizens' Insurance has been categorically reducing the insurance value of any Florida mobile home roughly 15 years old or older.

FLAROC (Florida Resident-Owned Communities) Inc is working closely with FMO, the Florida organization of mobile home parks that are not resident-owned, to get as many signatures as possible of mobile home owners across the entire state to notify the state legislature of the serious cuts being made by Citizens'. Many residents have chosen to drop their coverage in recent months, rather than pay the steep annual premiums for reduced insurance coverage.

It is estimated that there are over 900,000 mobile homes in Florida. That number represents a significant lobby in Tallahassee. FMO currently has lobbyists representing privately-owned mobile home parks. FLAROC is working to acquire representation for all the resident-owned communities in the state. Their message is growing. For the first time, these two organizations are working together to get the word out to all mobile homeowners in the state. We need to let our legislators know how unfair Citizens' Insurance has become to us.

Please sign the Insurance petition at the board meeting tomorrow. Stay tuned to hear how your signatures will be counted with the other parks across the state. Together we can make a difference!

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