Sunday, November 11, 2007
Maintenance Fee Increase Causes Resident Reaction
The proposed budget that was recently mailed to all shareholders increases the maintenence fee to all residences $20 across the board. There are two budget meetings proposed on Dec 3, one in the afternoon, and another in the evening. Mark your calendar for one of these events.
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Okay lady's and gentlemen, it's about time for you to step up and make your comments about this $20.00 across the board maintenance fee increase.
My comment goes like this; now the 'board' is establishing that we are all equal as shareholders. This type of (spread equal) maintenance fee, means, that you, the owner of that beautiful water front property, which represents hundreds of thousands of dollars of investment, have become equal to that person who just bought lots at a give-away price on boulevard three. In case you still don't get it, that person would receive the same for his share as you.
When and if, and the inference is put on 'when' rather than if, this Trailer park is liquidated; the establishment of "all is equal" will have been made by this move.
I am elated because now my minimal investment will be worth the same as the big investors. So please don"t make maintenance fee's based on share value, like you have in the past!
Looking thru our book "A Cooperative" Exhibit C-1 shows the differnt percentages each person pays for maintenance fees base on the type of unit in the park.Those living in unit A ARE TO PAY 0.21014022% EACH AND THOSE living in section/unit J pay 0.
28655485% each of maintenance fees and common expenses.So if this is true the rent increase should not be the same for everyone.But if one is willing to let this vote go thru i guess its shame on us.I know that in some other parks that were sold all shareholders were not equal because of the differnt amount of rents/and share costs were differnt.We all know the cost of a share to APPLE stock,etc are not created equal.Nothing has changed in a 1,000 years.Their was this king on the top of his castle talking to all the peasants below shouting "YOU MUST OBEY THE GOLDEN RULE" a peasant raised his hand and asked"what is the golden rule?" The king said who ever has the GOLD MAKES THE RULES!!!
Dear Anonymous,
I would answer by saying that I have always felt if regretfully, the park is sold, that we would probably all receive the same amount. While this at first did not seem fair, we had the choice of buying inside or waterfront. Obviously we chose to buy waterfront and paid market value. The across the board increase seems fair, however I feel that it is unfair for some to pay $420 more per year than others for maintenance as we all have the same access to the benefits of this park including the water and the seawall. It is my daily observation that the inside residents use the seawall for walking, jogging, bicycling, fishing and sharing with their guests much more than the waterfront owners do. Why are there nine different maintenance fees? Don't we all get the same benefits?
Anonymous, since you are so elated over the equal across the board increase, would you be as elated if we all paid the same maintenance fee which I feel we should.
I am offended that anyone would call our Beautiful Community a TRAILER Park. No wonder the reply is anonymous.
As for the other comments that person has made, obviously you
don't know a whole lot do you? Marie Avant
I my opinion we need to go by the schedule of maintenance fees we have in our cooperative book bylaws or change them.As i see now the rents by being the same accross the board are unfair to the lower rent payers.Example,from the 10 rent classes Type A units(159) are to pay .021014022% each unit and type J units (11) are to pay 0.28655485% for each unit.By raising all rents the same the majority of shareholder 159 will have a higher percentage of the cost versus the 11 in unit type J or any of the other 8 type of units.This percentage increases EVERY rent increase when all are having their rent raised the same.So we either follow the rules or we change them.In many apt buildings rents are not the same for the same type of unit because rents are based on their location many times.I personally dont care if this place is called a trailer park.On my unit their is a sticker from the City of Tampa that Says TRAILER PARK #067.As far as the sale of the park goes it aint going to happen for many many years if ever.The value and demand is not there and after taxes many of us would not come out ahead.The only way i see the sale of the park is if someday a hurricane destroys the park.Got to sign out Jerry Springer is coming on with some trailer trash.
We do not feel that comments that are "anonymous" should be published. If you have strong feelings about an issue, you will command more respect and interest by stating your name.
Pete&Jeanette-i dont feel its important weather the comments are anonymous or not.Its the message not the messanger that counts.Thank god we have freedom of speech in this country.This is a blog not a official means of communication.Rsspect is earn by ones actions not their words.Due to the unfair enforcement of rule in this park some people have a fear of posting by their real name.People who respond to radio/tv shows dont use ther full name or on most message boards.When i register years ago for yahoo message board for stock i could not use my real name.I would think the goal of this blog is to make this park better-which has nothing to do with ones name.Thank god for freedom of speech.At times i regret using my real name here as i have received phone calls and people dropping by to express their views-like you did.I am A PRIVATE PERSON and not interested in or have the time for this parks politics.My posting is to make this park the best and fairest to all it can be.
Thank you Mr. Chambers for your comment, it only confirms your superior intellect and generosity. It warms my heart to hear you would allow a person buying a full share for under market value to receive equal value to yours, it truly takes a great person to do that. And I understand why you would rather pay an equal $20.00 maintenance fee increase, rather than your fair persentage share of, say, $40.00+. Next thing might be taxes all the same, at the lower rate of course. It's called Pete's way!
Vote for a percentage like in the past, it's the fair thing to do.......My compliments to Don Spector. Thank you for living in the real world.
There is nothing wrong with anonymity Mr. Chambers, what would you take away from us next, freedom, speach?
Oh yes, Marie Avant, I'm truly sorry about the offending thought of Trailer Park, but as 30,000+ cars pass this place each day off Gandy and Westshore, what do you think they call it? Then there is Insurance Companies, Banks and every business to my knowledge call this place a Trailer Park. Would you please contact these individuals and let them know your dissatisfaction and let them know what they should call it.
Dear Don and Anonymous, You seem to have taken my recent comments concerning maintenance fees and anonimity personally. This is regretable as we all need to be able to express our ideas with the goal of improving our park. We must be involved in "park politics" to make needed changes. This won't happen if we just sit at our computers and make critical remarks without offering viable solutions. Hopefully you both attend workshop meetings and board meetings where we can discuss solutions to present issues. It is also hoped that you volunteer your time to help projects in the park for all our benefits. Free speech is a cornerstone of our free society. I and many others in the park have spent several years in the military protecting this and other rights. Another American right is the right to face your accuser. Hiding behind anonimity does not allow you to face the accuser. All shareholders whether "snowbirds" or full time residents must contribute their share of sweat and tears to make this the best possible place to live. I may be an idealist, but I believe that we can all be equal neighbors and friends, better yet we can be a big family.
Thanks again to Don Spector, it is about the message, not the messanger. Maybe a little word stimulation will activate more to respond. If we can all get on line, that might put some real discussion on the curb and not this one-sided theoretical mis'mach. Regretably some individuals take matters too personal and that fouls the issues. Thanks also to Mrs. Sandra Ross for her sticktoitiveness. You have my vote. I think your a gutsy lady and an asset to our community.
To Anonymous and Pete:I must being doing something wrong because i am trying to repost this again.I agree we need more people to post so we can get more ideas.Many of our seniors cant afford to move and have chosen our beautiful park as their last move.I beleive some of them out of fear have decided to post as A nonymous as this is their right and they have earned it.Pete as far as your "right to face your accuser".We are not in court here,this is just a blog to exchange opinions.If the President of the U.S the House&Senate can accept Anonymous votes we can post as Anonymous.I respect the time and free service of those on the board have givem to this park-sure i may not agree on everything but life is not black and white.Not all of us can get involve in park politics as i have had a part time job with the US Govt and do some work unpaid with the homeless.All i can do is select people more qualify and with more integrity then me to serve.I have no desire to run for anything.I agree Mrs Sandy Ross is gutsy lady and has my vote.
If you do not agree with some of the rules in this park and would like to make a change, what steps need to be taken.
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