Sunday, November 18, 2007

Monday Potluck Supper

Scarecrows Night Out is the theme for the first Club Regency potluck of the season. DON'T FORGET TO WEAR YOUR BADGE! They will send you home to get it. Price for non-members and guests is $3.00, with a dish to share.

Our wonderful cooks Matt, Noel, and Joe are preparing turkey and dressing, and we all bring the sides, drinks, and desserts. Coffee will be provided. As usual, bring your plates, cups, and silverware. The Committee is expected at 4:30, and doors open to the general public at that time. The meal will begin at 5:30 sharp. Andrea Sencich and Sara Comley are the co-chairs who have organized the feast. There will be a short Club Regency meeting during dessert. Mary Lou Mittel has hired an entertainer with a singing saw for an after-dinner treat.

Dress like a scarecrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am the organizer of the Musical Saw Festival in NYC. I came across your post via a search on Google for singing saw players.
I would appreciate it very much if you could let me know who the saw player performing at your event is, please - I would like to invite him/her to participate in the Musical Saw Festival.
If you wish you can see a video from the last saw festival (19 saw players playing together):

Thank you very much,
all the best,

'Saw Lady'