Monday, March 24, 2008

Board Workshop

Notice was posted this morning for a workshop planned for Wednesday March 26, 2008 at 1:30 pm. The topics covered will include setting up the engineer's contract for the seawall, a new finance option that arrived from Bank of America, and establishing Board committees.

We have a lot of work to do. Ron plans to have weekly meetings for awhile to keep everyone apprised of any new information. The meetings may run long, but feel free to leave when you're ready, you won't be hurting our feelings. The last thing we want to hear is criticism that the open meetings are too long. We encourage everyone to ask questions. We discourage anyone from calling out criticisms of shareholders asking a question or making a comment.


Anonymous said...

I hope this new board will take into consideration ALL of the people who live here in Regency Cove. Not all of us can afford another increase in our monthly fees.
What is a reset loan? Its an adjustable rate loan. This is what is causing most of the problems in our housing market and economy today. Look at all the foreclosures and bankruptcy going on today.
Did you see the news last night,people are having a hard time paying there mortgages and basic bills just for the upkeep of their homes as food and gas prices and everything else are on the rise.
Do you want our people in our park to pay another increase and not have food on there table? Not know if in 5 years weather or not they will be able to afford to live here because of an adjustable rate mortgage increased far above expected?
Have you even thought of how many people in this park are on fixed incomes and can not afford any more increases?
I think you should start thinking of EVERYONE in this park.
Some of the problems with the seawall are the people that live on the seawall are causing themselves, gutters draining improperly, putting in stone or patio blocks and not maintaining them, ect. There are parts of the seawall that are not even accessible to all of the people of Regency Cove.
Maybe when we get this new seawall we could have access to the entire wall. I don't think so, the people on Sunset and Pelican would have a big problem with that.
PLEASE stop and think about ALL of the people here in Regency Cove. We do not need a new seawall just to make this park look pretty, the seawall is not going anywhere, if a huricane comes the seawall will not stop the water or wind from coming, get real.
There are many others things in this park that need attention such as our water and sewer systems.
In times like these we are suppose to be watching our dollars and cutting back on things we do not really need, and there are plenty of cut backs this park could do to save money and not spend it foolishly.

Rich said...

Very well said!!!!!!! Have you ever thought of coming out of your secret anonymous life and run for the board of directors?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous and Rich....I've been saying all along, it's all about the have and the have nots. Then someone like Sandy Ross will pipe up and proclaim that's just not true, but she does live on the seawall and all of those pictures of the seawall that repeat over and over, from different directions. I just love the picture taken of an inch or two rise at one point along the seawall in 1984 and the change that occured in 24 years. I personally couldn't see much difference. I Don't understand what all the rush is about, unless the seawall folks just want the park all to themselves because that surley will be the results. What I would like to know is, who will make up the difference of all the people who will be leaving. What I'm saying is, if we were assessed $5000.00 each, to 'start' to pay for this seawall business, and say because of this, half of the residents couldn't afford and had to leave Regency Cove, then the remainder residents would be responsible for the differnce? This is a desaster in the making. Unless you just want the haves to get it all at the have nots expense. Maybe it's a conspiracy to get rid of the poor folks, because lots could be bought at next to nothing and sold at massive profits when the park sells! There truly are people in the park who don't care about those who are here on fixed incomes and seem bent on getting rid of them.

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous, Congratulations on a beautifully thought out and wonderful comment. You are so right! What matters in our park is not the beauty, but the PEOPLE. We must care about each other and have compassion for those who would not be able to continue to live in this lovely park with further increases. You are to be commended on a great piece of work and should be proud to sign your name to it.

Anonymous said...

I have had many years of sales experience and my degree is in management and marketing. One of the most common sales techniques is that of creating a state of emergency in the buyer in which the customer is led to believe that the product that he is interested in will never be lower in price or may soon no longer be available. This is one of the favorite tools of the car salesman. How many times have you bougt a car having the salesman return after having your trade-in car appraised and telling you how nice your car is and he has a buyer that has been looking for that car but you must move quickly because the buyer needs the car soon and may buy elsewhere. This is sleazy and usually used by an unskilled salesman selling an inferior product. From the very beginning of the discussion of the SEAWALL we have been told how great interest rates are now and what a super deal we can get now because many contractors don't have enough work. Why not build a new seawall instead of repairing the one we have as needed? The main reason why the interest rates are so low and contractors have very little work is because of the present economic situation. A good deal is NOT a good deal if we need to go into a long-term debt to take advantage of it.
On another subject, I can understand why some people are hesitant to sign their name. In the past anyone who questioned anything was labeled a troublemaker and people in the park were made to believe that a troublemaker was one of the lowest forms of life. Fortunately there were a few who had the guts to ask questions and now many of us feel comfortable speaking our thoughts at meetings even though there are still a few who adhere to the old way of thinking. Hopefully they too will soon wake up. In this country we are so fortunate that our forefathers questioned things and fought for changes otherwise we would still be ruled by a real King and Queen.

Rich said...

2nd. Anonymous, you must of missed last meeting $5,000.00 seems to be history, your board is listening, and working to lower everyones pain! I heard that same story in 1990 and 1991 about the have and have nots.

Anonymous said...

This seawall situation sure has caused a lot of conflict in this park. The reason people remain anonymous is because people do not like it when you voice your opion is right. Yes they are trying to get rid of the poor people who live here so they can sell their homes to another group of buyers so they can rent them out. We have so many rental properties in this park and our office has no idea what is going on. I ask you how can a renter have a pet it should be in their lease, also all of these renters who are under 55 living here. We should not allow this, We have to be over the amount of people allowed in a 55 or older residence. Look into this area please.

Living in Paradise said...

Sandy said...
If you are aware of violations being committed in the park, it is your responsibility as a shareholder to report them to the manager or a Board member. We don't know what's going on in the houses here. How are we supposed to enforce what we don't know. If you know there is an illegal animal in the park, and you don't report it, you are just as bad as the old Boards who never did anything to enforce the pet rules. Now they are grandfathered in and we're stuck with them.

Rich said...

Anonymous #3, e-mail