Thursday, March 5, 2009

Blvd 7 Grant

In case you've been wondering why these postings have been so few and far between lately, its because I have been totally preoccupied with the Blvd 7 landscaping project. Since our planting meeting in February, I've done a drawing and submitted estimates to 5 nursery garden centers. The estimates are coming in.
Our ground cover will consist of Asiatic jasmine and evergreen giant liriope. A nice variety of small trees will be staggered throughout the median: pink crape myrtle, several dwarf little gem magniolias and a yellow spring-blooming delight called Jerusalem thorn. A few new ornamental palms will also be included: a Chinese fan palm, a bottle palm, and a triple clump of Christmas palm.

The major plants will include red to pink ixora in the crape myrtle section, and yellow to orange ixora in the Jerusalem thorn areas. Purple love grass, mona lavender shrubs, and cardboard palm will fill out the first planting.

All of these plants, once established, require very little water, and should serve as a model to the community for your home landscaping projects.
Contact Sandy Ross or the Office if you're interested in assisting in the planting stage or the watering stage, which will be coming up later this month.

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