Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Sign Petition to Stop Gandy Overpass

As most of you know there is another attempt to get the neighborhood's approval for a bridge extension of the Selmon Crosstown Expressway from the exit on Gandy Blvd to the Gandy Bridge.

Two businesses on Gandy have a petition drive under way in opposition to the bridge concept. Should you like to sign the petition it is available at Scan Design on W. Gandy Blvd and Triage Consignments across the street on S. Lois.

Thank you for taking the time to participate.

Jerry Frankhouser, PresidentBayside West Neighborhood Association

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the overpass is wonderful thing for this park. It gives us a light to get ined and out,cuts down road noise,and decreases traffic.