Friday, March 20, 2009

Emergency Watering Restrictions

City Council Approves Tougher Water Restrictions Residents limited to hand watering and micro irrigation only Tampa, Fla. (March 19, 2009)

Tampa City Council approved a revised emergency ordinance today for water customers in the city’s water service area that further tightens watering restrictions. Turf irrigation is restricted to hand watering. Irrigation of non-turf landscaping may be done by hand watering or micro irrigation. The restrictions apply to all uses including parks and athletic play areas, such as ball fields, within the city limits. The current watering days and hours, which are determined based on address, remain the same. The revised restrictions will take effect on April 3, 2009. The new emergency water restriction ordinance will be available at (The list summarizes the changes and can be also found on On the front page there is a link).

The Council’s vote was more restrictive than the Mayor’s recommendation to reduce irrigation to twice per month. Tampa’s dry season is typically March 1 through June 15 and demands typically exceed 100 million gallons a day (mgd), with 15 mgd attributable to irrigation alone. Tampa Water Department customers that are located outside of the city limits are being asked to comply on a voluntary basis. For questions regarding the new restrictions or additional information, residents should contact the Water Department’s Conservation Section at (813) 274-8121. MAJOR CHANGE NO SPRINKLER SYSTEMS!!! HAND WATERING ONLY.

Jerry Frankhouser, President Bayside West Neighborhood Association

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