Friday, October 16, 2009

2010 Budget Meetings Continue

The second posted board budget meeting was held today in Goodwin Hall. These are not the workshops where the actual budget will be projected on the wall for all to see. Right now, the members of the board and Cheri Scobee, our manager, are doing the mundane line-by-line discussion of income vs. expenses.

Cheri prepared three detailed versions of a proposed budget for today's meeting: one with no maintenance fee increase, with and without the $3ook extra bank loan. She also drafted versions with a 3% and a 5% maintenance increase. Today's meeting was a little under four hours, and really just skimmed the surface.

Our park is no different from most all governing bodies in the nation during this dreadful recession. Our income is decreasing, and we need to cut our expenses. Exactly how we do that is the topic of discussion at these budget meetings. Difficult decisions need to be made.

Please share your ideas with members of the board, and give us your support as we present our solutions to these difficult decisions to the membership. The next meeting is scheduled for October 20 at 1:00pm. Shortly after that, the budget will be mailed out to the shareholders.


Anonymous said...

But we were all told there would be NO maintence fee increase????

Anonymous said...

There is nothing written in stone. I have heard the board is working hard on the budget so there will not be an increase but its seems some board members think we should give our maintence people a raise we will not get one but they are suppose to What is up with that and our manager wants a large increase

Anonymous said...

Please take into consideration all of us on social security will not be given a cost of living increase this year. We all need to cut our spending as should the park. Take time off from spending our money on items we really don't need at this time. All Employees of our park can also go without a raise this year just be thankful they have a job in these hard times. I also agree we were told there would be NO maintence fee increase.

Living in Paradise said...
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Living in Paradise said...

Its good to know that SOMEBODY is reading this thing. Thank you for your comments.
The Board needs to hear and see your opinions. There is a significant income reduction this year, with the 4 foreclosures and other loss of revenues.
No one can EVER promise a no maintenance fee increase, unless the 2010 budget is right in front of them. We still haven't come close to approving it. There are options that have been discussed which include staff reductions, and salary freezes,and still the numbers don't balance.
Please stop thinking about a "no fee increase", and try to understand that we want to write a balanced budget with the fewest reductions of service to our membership. It IS that critical, folks.
Please continue to comment on this site, or speak directly to a board member. We need your input.