Sunday, January 17, 2010

Board Meeting Changed

The January meeting of the board of directors has been changed to 9:00 am on Jan.20, 2010. The revision has been made to accommodate a visit from our attorney, Ellen De Haan.
Agenda Items:
I Opening Remarks President
II Approval of the Agenda President
III Approval of Previous Minutes Secretary
IV Financial Report Treasurer
V CAM Report Cheri Scobee
VI Directors’ Reports All
VII Committee Reports Committee Chairs
VIII Ratification of Board decision 11 Jan 10 Paul McCumber
IX Selection of engineer firm to conduct an
independent inspection of the seawall Paul McCumber
X Agenda Format Sandy Ross
XI Request from resident Paul McCumber
XII Rental/Sale B4 L39 and other properties Rose Reis
XIII Florida ROC Membership Drive Sandy Ross
XIV ROC Forum Ongoing Training Sandy Ross
XV Roof for Shuffle Board Court Betty Ridge
XVI Front Parking Lot Patti Fennessy
XVII Property Oversight Committee Rose Reis
XVIII Gandy Overpass (Park Position) Sandy Ross
XIX Report by Corporate Lawyer Ellen de Haan

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