Friday, December 10, 2010

Clubs Celebrate Christmas

Commodore Chuck Paramore  telephoned members of the Regency Cove Yacht Club to personally invite them to the complimentary Christmas luncheon this Saturday at noon. A delicious meal of Chicken Cordon Bleu will be served. This French delicacy involves a piece of chicken, stuffed with ham and cheese, and baked until it reaches perfection.. A dance will follow the meal, with entertainment by Fatu.

The Friendship Club's December Dinner on Dec 13th consists of baked ham with Regency Cove's secret raisin sauce. The dinner includes all the fixings, and a delightful ambrosia dessert. Members only need to contact Linda Siddens for ticket sales, or memberships for 2011.

Look ahead to the Annual Christmas Caroling event. Please sign up in the Info Room. If you are aware of a neighbor who has a difficult time getting out, please call Mary Willsey or Alice Disharoon. They will make certain that the carolers make a visit, and a goody bag is delivered by Santa and his "seasonal wife".  A party follows in the hall after the singing. Bring a $2 wrapped gift for the drawing, and of course, homemade cookie donations are ALWAYS appreciated.

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