Saturday, December 18, 2010

Last Night of the Cruise

Regency Cove seems very far away. Regency Cove IS very far away. I am on the last few minutes of the internet connection package we purchased, on the last night of the 7 day cruise. The party is over, our bags are out in the hallway, or gone away already. We made new friends, and partied with old friends. All the hustle and preparation we made for this week, and now its a memory. We are still so far in the Gulf that no land is visible.

Hope things are alright at home. A few more days we'll share another Christmas holiday with our neighbors, and then another year will have ticked off the clock. I just can't believe how fast life is going. Must be having fun. Hope you are too. Merry Christmas. Caroling is tomorrow night. Hope to see many residents there.

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