Saturday, December 4, 2010

Support Your Local Board Members

Recently, there has been a change of command in our board of directors. Our VP Betty Ridge assumed the office of president after Paul's untimely resignation. There may be an election of the Board of Directors soon to establish a board-determined president to carry us through to the Annual Meeting in March. Or maybe not. We'll see what happens in the days to come.

I do have, however, a very strong recommendation to the shareholders of Regency Cove. Support your Board of Directors. They are forced to make unpopular decisions every month. Just think of yourself in that circumstance. Its a tough and unrewarding job. How would YOU handle the pressure of making decisions that just might put you out of favor with many of the residents? Their job is not to sit there and agree with eachother, but to make tough and  thoughtful decisions. That's why we voted for them.

Just in case a new vote for president happens soon, I can only recommend that an experienced and well-seasoned board member assumes the office of president. Inexperienced presidents cost us money with frequent calls to the corporate attorney, and board meeting mistakes. Let's cut it out. I hope the new board takes advantage of the educational opportunites available (ROC Forum, and CAI to a lesser degree). We want the board to make the best decisions for Regency Cove. To all nine of you...Keep up the good work!

Give a hearty Thank You to every board member you see in the days to come. In three more months there will be elections again, and no telling who might be on the board in March of 2011. We're always looking for a few good men and women.

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