Monday, December 21, 2009

Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year

The 35 or so carolers treated every street in Regency Cove tonight with their joyous voices and wishes for a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. At some homes,I must admit that it was a little difficult for me to sing, because the tears in my eyes kinda caught up in my throat, and the music just couldn't flow. Watching Dardy wheeling his wife to the front door, as she threw kisses and waved. Others just clasped their hands to their hearts and repeated over and over "Thank you, thank you". Some were joined by the care-givers, probably family, who came out to call out their Thanks for the experience.
For me, this is the annual event that brings out the most feeling of community. I'm sure those of you competing in tournaments have your own warm and fuzzy moments, but this night has always been superior for me. Mary Willsey and soon-to-be-president Alice Disharoon have been preparing for this event for weeks.There is so much to co-ordinate with this: Thanks to Ed Scobee and Larkin Garage for arranging the use of the trailer. More thanks to Tim Reynolds for his help hooking us up with some music to blast the singers into a semblance of unison.Betty Ridge provided some harmony. Chet Hindman and Margaret Mohar played Santa, but Mary and Alice actually filled all the bags, or arranged for those goodies.
I was not involved with the party, but I saw Judy collecting gifts and giving out coupons for the big drawing. Thanks to all the volunteers who baked, or prepared sumptous goodies, who braved the cold and sang out their hearts for their neighbors.
You just gotta love this place!

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