Saturday, December 19, 2009

Wow, What A Blow!

Its shortly after midnight, Saturday morning, and the wind and rain are creating havoc on the bay. There is absolutely nothing in terms of boats on the water right now, thank goodness! Wunderground, the awesome internet weather site, is saying that Tampa has sustained winds of 26 mph, with reported gusts of 35 mph. The waves are absolutely furious right now. They are crashing with loud bangs on the seawall. The sidewalk is currently underwater, with the hard-hitting waves and the spray must be 8 feet high, or even higher. It is truely awesome!
The tide is 2 1/2 feet over MSL, that's 2 feet higher then normal. Occasionally I hear the wave spray landing on our deck, which is 30 feet away from the edge. This is a true test of our new wall and sidewalk.

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