Monday, December 21, 2009

Signing Off

Living in Paradise and her husband, Mr. Living in Paradise, will be flying northward before sunrise Tuesday morning, to be closer to Santa and family.
As we battle the snowstorm expected Wednesday, we will be thinking of you all down here who are complaining how cold Tampa is.

Our wishes are for peace and harmony here in our community and in the world. Good health to you all, and have a prosperous and happy new year.

Don't forget to come out and help take down the clubhouse Christmas decorations on Dec. 27. Check the Information Room, or call Mary Willsey or Alice Disharoon for details.

Buy your tickets for the New Year Day Dance with Happy Days. Guy Hislop is selling the tickets for a mere $5. No membership to anything is required. Bring your drinks, a snack, and come have a ball.

See you next year!

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