Thursday, April 3, 2008

Security Report

From the minutes of today's Board meeting:

Chet Hindman scheduled a 55 Alive Program, (thanks to a lead from Dolores Brickner), which consists of two four-hour classes to be held on April 10 at 12:30-4:30 and April 14 at 9:30 – 1:30. The cost is $10, and may save you over $100 on your Car Insurance.

Chet also discussed the Senior Life Survey which will be happening soon. It is intended for females age 75-87, and males 72-85. Your medical records will be inspected, but each participant will receive $500. Call Chet Hindman for Info.

Chet reported that several bike theft incidents in the park occurred last week. He repeated that good cables are needed to deter the thieves.

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