Saturday, April 26, 2008

Comments Anyone?

Occasionally we like to hear from you. Its your turn to write down your thoughts.


Anonymous said...

Re: Raising the Seawall

The present seawall is well above the mean high tide. Raising the seawall would not protect any homes as they are well above the existing seawall. The only benefit I can see is protecting a small amount of lawn.
1.Because the point will not have a new wall it would cause us to have a two level sidewalk.
2.All docks will have a 1 foot step down or have to be rebuilt and raised.
3.The section of the seawall that was recently rebuilt would have to be raised.
4.The inside curb along the west and north sides would have to be raised a foot.
5.Numbers 1 & 2 concerns would make accidents more likely.
Because the raising of the wall and rebuilding the docks would be in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, I suggest that the board request the contractors itemize all phases of the seawall construction so we could see the actual cost of raising the seawall.

Anonymous said...


Rich said...

What are your feelings on installing a boat ramp?

Rich said...

What are your thoughts on future growth of our community by installing new homes?

Rich said...

What long term plans should be considered for our community? What time frame are you considering 5yrs., 10 years, 15 years, twenty years? Example; Water system inbound and discharge.

Anonymous said...

I was at the Board meeting on Thursday and felt the same way as Mr. Chambers. I thought Mr. Herb was out of line, he needs to control his feelings, take a few breaths before slashing out at people. Mr Butterworth was only doing what he thought needed to be done, Ron you should be ashamed the way you lashed out at him. I know all the people around me thought you were way out of line. Rose is trying to help this park we need to get the right kind of loan for this park and she knows that,why do you think so many people voted for her. She also knows the manager of the park should not be authorized to sign checks in the park. Ron's comment about he did not put her name on for check writing was so out of line. A simple question to her or any other board member would have been Will you be here to sign checks this summer? Shame on you Ron.Who better to write checks than the treasuer.A remark was made we need a building commitee, I sure do think we need someone who knows what is going on. Look at our new bathrooms , they are still not done. The new house that was brought in has problems, who is oking these projects? Maybe they should not be in that position. Enough said.

Anonymous said...

Anyone with construction or building experience is welcome to apply for the Architecture Review Committee. Standards will be established for all homes. Talk to Ron Herb if you are interested.
Many other committee positions are open.

Anonymous said...

This is my opinion of the sea wall situation.....Since approx 1/3 of the sea wall is now privatized, meaning, we as associate owners are not allowed access. This being the case, and as a Board member mentioned, "we are told that a new sea wall will increase the property value." I would suggest that the remainder of our sea wall residence be given that same privilege, make their yards private to the sea wall and this would leave that part of the sea wall which was not going to be included for replacement anyway, available to the general resident. Now if those sea wall residents want so badly to increase their property value, they should be responsible for the cost.

Look at it this way, I don't see the association members approving money for new landscaping to improve the value of my property.

Those haves who wanted to live on the sea wall so badly must pay the piper, and it certainly is not the place of the association members to pay it for them. I think we have seen enough of this type of business by big business. For one, I'm pretty tired of paying for the greed of others!

We are now in line to have that debt shoved down our throats, all of us, and, I guarantee you, it will not increase our property value one dime, sorry, it will increase the water front home owners value only.